Thursday, May 29, 2008


This is our life. The life that ends with our younger brother snot-sucking to the tune of suzuki cello music. Welcome to our world. . . and our blog. ~Marcy

Yes, dearest sister. That was lovely. Absolutely informative on perhaps a too detailed level. Anyway, we are very excited about our blog. "We've never done such a thing as a blog before! *hick-ish giggle*"

We will try to keep you informed and not bored. Or scared. ~Jake

. . . or keep you from having to spend the next 4 years in therapy. :-0 ~Marcy

Yes. So, let's introduce ourselves. I'm Jake, I'm a redhead, and according to my sister, my Adam's apple has reached a remarkable size. |:! We have a brother, Jonas. Observe his picture. He's not the most stylish person, as you can see. In fact, he seems to be currently in a warped state of wardrobe malfunctions. ~Jake

I am Marcy. I am younger than Jake, and Jonas is younger than me, yet freakishly taller (although more than one person claims that I am dwarfish. YOU ARE ALL WRONG! WRONG I SAY! WRONG! ~Marcy

Our mother is a nurse and has many *interesting* stories to share with us. We will share one of the grossest stories next time on . . . . Da Pupperkinz Blog!!!! (We will also share with you why it is called Da Pupperkinz!)

P.S. Our dad has to read this to OK it . . . awkward . . .